Intersessional groups are established annually to ensure the Committee can successfully complete its full agenda at each SC meeting. These group work throughout the year and provide updates at annual SC meetings. There are three categories of intersessional groups:
The currently established correspondence groups, terms of reference and memberships can be found below.
Coordinate intersessional review of abundance estimates. At a 2025 Workshop and 2026 pre-meeting for SC70, both contingent on funding, review abundance estimates and make recommendations to ASI.
Bell, Brownell, Cholewiak, Donovan, Givens(Convenor), Katara, Kitakado, New(Co-Convenor), Palka, Porter, Staniland, Walløe, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Further development of the estimator for acoustic abundance estimation of franciscana
Artur, Chan, Frias, Harris(Co-Convenor), New(Convenor), Sirovic, Skaug, Sucunza, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Advise the model developers on technical issues to ensure completion of assessment by SC70.
Branch, Butterworth, Katara, Matsuoka, Palka, Punt, Rand(Convenor), Tiedemann, Wade, Wilberg
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Continue work.
Alaoui, Andriolo, Artur, Burkhardt, Campbell, Cholewiak (Convenor), Collis, Cosentino, Entrup, Frisch-Nwakanma, Genov, Haelters, Iñíguez Bessega, Junio, Kinneging, Leaper, Livermore, Lundquist, Miller, Plön, Renell, Reyes, Rojas-Bracho, Rosenbaum, Simmonds, Sirovic, Sousa-Lima, Vrooman, Webster, Weilgart, Williams, de Groes
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Develop a Workshop in Oman to progress with the development of a CMP proposal for the ASHW
Aamari, Collins, Iñiguez, Minton, Willson (Convenor)
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Review new information on the status of beaked whales globally
Artur, Babey, Bolaños Jimenez, Brownlow, Cholewiak, Collins, Dolman, Hartny-Mills, Iñíguez Bessega, Lomax, Natoli, Plön, Porter, R. Baird(Co-Convenor), Rodríguez-Fonseca, Simmonds(Convenor), Stimmelmayr, Tandy, Thompson, Trujillo, Vermeulen, Vrooman, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Provide advice on: (1) design of additional data to be collected by observers and crew when whale entanglements occur, including development of training materials/instructions (in time for joint WG-FSA/WG-IMAF-24 meeting, 30 September – 11 October 2024; (2) methods to monitor the frequency and behaviour of whales around krill fishing vessels; (3) the development of technology to study how whales are interacting with krill trawling nets; (4) the design of effective cetacean exclusion devices, considering a convex shape to the exclusion mesh to deflect whales (and seals) away from the net mouth; (5) the potential to devise move-on rules, smaller-scale spatial management in the form of krill fishing exclusion zones, and other mitigation tools.
Biuw, Double, Favero, Forster, Heinemann, Hines, Johnson, Kelly, Landry, Leaper, Long, Mattila, Meyer, Parker, Passadore, Reeves, Robson, Soffker, Stimmelmayr, Walker, Weinrich
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Assess threats and mitigation of the CAHW population for the further development of a CMP.
Brownell(Convenor), Mallette, Rojas-Bracho, Trejos-Lasso, Urbán
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Invite and facilitate the submission of proposals to the Fund.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Continue work.
Brownlow, Cholewiak, Clarke, Colegrove, Costa Silva, Davison, Deaville, Delaney, Domit, Fernandez, Grigg, Groch, Gulland, Hernandez Mora, Holm, Hunter, IJsseldijk, Kolesnikovas, Lee, Marcondes, Mazzariol, Noren, Oloughlin, Porter, Roe, Rowles, Sacristan, Sierra, Simmonds, Staniland, Stimmelmayr(Convenor), Tajima, Uhart, West, Wilkin
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Provide advice on cetacean science to CCAMLR’s revised krill management approach, CEMP, and ecosystem modelling.
Bell, Biuw, Butterworth, Dalla Rosa, Double, Fisher, Harris, Herr, Johnson, Kelly(Convenor), Kitakado, Langerock, Robson, Seyboth, Staniland, Vermeulen
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Consider the latest information on how cetacean populations are affected by climate change; provide clear advice on tools to mitigate the negative impact of climate change and build resilience; seek to develop an IWC climate change response programme.
Barreto, Campbell, Frey, Frisch-Nwakanma, Genov, Gulland, Holm, Kelly, Mallette, Marcondes, Miketa, Noren, Nunny, Palka, Porter, Renell, Rowles, Simmonds (Convenor), Simmons, Sousa-Lima, Staniland, Stimmelmayr, Tulloch, Vrooman, Webster, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Track progress on acquiring the necessary documentation representing formal agreement by the range-state governments to sign on to the CMP before IWC69.
Brownell, Lang, Porter (Convenor), Weller, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
The WG-IMAF extended an invitation to members of the IWC-SC to collaborate further beyond 2024. The Subcommittee established an intersessional group to work between SC69B and SC70 with the Terms of Reference to provide advice on the following: 1. design of additional data to be collected by observers and crew when whale entanglements occur, including development of training materials/instructions (in time for joint WG- FSA/WG-IMAF-24 meeting, 30 September - 11 October 2024); 2. methods to monitor the frequency and behaviour of whales around krill fishing vessels; 3. development of technology to study how whales are interacting with krill trawling nets; 4. advise on the design of effective cetacean exclusion devices, considering a convex shape to the exclusion mesh to deflect whales (and seals) away from the net mouth; and 5. the potential to devise move-on rules, smaller-scale spatial management in the form of krill fishing exclusion zones, and other mitigation tools.
Biuw, Double, Favero, Forster, Heinemann, Hines, Johnson, Kelly (Convenor), Landry, Leaper, Long, Mattila, Meyer, Parker, Passadore, Robson, Soffker, Stimmelmayr, Walker, Weinrich
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Continue and enhance methods for disseminating information and advice between the SWG and WW.
Campbell, Iñíguez Bessega (Convenor), Parsons, Rojas-Bracho, Simmonds, Slooten, Suydam, Urbán
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Consolidate and refine a description of ASI/ASG processes, as evolved since 2017, to be reviewed and endorsed at a subsequent SC meeting
Butterworth, Givens (Convenor), New
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Create a bibliography of documents containing information about correction factors for abundance estimation and consider the development of a corresponding IWC database. Report progress to SC70.
Cañadas, Freitas, Katara, Kelly, Palka
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Review the topic and report back to SC70 with a further assessment of the likely consequences of deep-sea mining for cetaceans; seek to establish contact with others who are investigating this matter; encourage further submissions on this topic to the SC.
Barreto, Childerhouse, Cholewiak, Lucke, Parsons, Porter, Rose (Convenor), Rowles, Simmonds, Smith, Thaler, Thompson, Walløe, Williams
To join this group please contact the Secretariat or apply now.
Continue progressing the databasing and analyses of the direct takes of small cetaceans currently held by and submitted to the Secretariat.
Allison, Fisher, Hines, Katara (Convenor), Porter
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Review recent revisions to sections of the DNA quality guidelines which relate to data produced using NGS approaches; identify approaches to increase the visibility and use of the guidelines.
Archer, Baird, Baker, Bickham, Carroll, DeWoody, Goto, Hoelzel, Jackson, Lang, Palsbøll, Pampoulie, Porter, Sremba, Taguchi, Tiedemann (Convenor), Torres Florez, Waples
To join this group please contact the Secretariat
Develop prioritised list of research needs to address knowledge gaps in our understanding of the role of cetaceans in ecosystem functioning.
Biuw, Butterworth, Freitas, Gilbert, Hunter, Kelly, Kitakado, Li, Ransijn, Schubert (Convenor), Tulloch
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Consider how to collate and rank candidate species for an Extinction Alert.
Cholewiak, Collier, Goetz, Heinemann, Lundquist, Mallette, Parsons, Porter (Convenor), Schubert, Simmonds, Slooten, Wilson
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Conduct inter-regional comparisons of SH fin whale songs, similar to Širović et al. (2018) for blue whales.
Aulich, Biuw, Buchan, Dréo, Harris, Isoda, Miller, Porter, Samaran, Shabangu, Sirovic, Van Opzeeland
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Plan the review of franciscana bycatch estimates to be conducted during a CMP workshop and select invited experts for the review.
Cremer, Domit, Iñíguez Bessega - Gmail, Leaper, Minton, Palka, Passadore, Porter, Sucunza (Convenor), Trujillo, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat
Clarify the terminology used to describe the gray whale stock structure hypotheses; re-evaluate plausibility of the hypotheses, including consideration of adding new variants if needed to inform the Range-wide Review of the Status and Population Structure of Gray Whales.
Bickham, Donovan, Goto, Hoelzel, Lang (Convenor), Nakamura, Pampoulie, Punt, Scordino, Tiedemann, Weller
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Provide advice on: (1) information relevant to a separate assessment of the Iberian porpoise for the IUCN Red List; (2) information on the genetic status of this population; (3) information on the limits of the distribution, nothing that movements of these animals into the Celtic Sea and Western Mediterranean have been recorded; (4) mechanisms to increase the information available on the bycatch of Iberian porpoise, especially in small-scale fisheries; (5) how to improve the use of stranding data to estimate bycatch mortality; (6) information that becomes available on the life history and ecology of this species; (7) information on the closely related African porpoise population; (8) information on the health status and causes of mortality of the Iberian porpoise, including anthropogenic mortality not directly caused by fishing; (9) current and available approaches to reduce Iberian porpoise bycatch and potential future actions; (10) how to enhance the coordination of research on and conservation of Iberian porpoise between different organisations and projects.
Cisternino, Dolman, FERNÁNDEZ-MALDONADO, Freitas, Hunter, Leaper, Sequeira, Van Waerebeek, Zerbini
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Continue to monitor and report on the relevant science, including, but not limited to that which relates to solitary sociable cetaceans, out of habitat cetaceans and provisioned cetaceans (e.g., in Pará, Brazil, where tourists feed Inia araguaiaensis); consider the terminology applies to the full range of human-cetacean interactions; suggest guidelines to avoid damaging interactions.
Aranha, Cosentino, Currie, Forestell, Miketa, Minton, Nunny, Parsons, Porter, Rodríguez-Fonseca, Ryeng, Simmonds (Convenor), Smith, Suydam, Urbán, Vail, Weinrich, Wells
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(1) Develop a process to enhance coordination among IUCN, IWC SC and other parties involved in conservation actions for cetaceans; (2) facilitate coordination between those responsible for managing the IUCN Red List assessments for cetaceans and developers of the IWC Status of Stocks Initiative; (a) providing input to the Status of Stocks SG regarding prioritisation of cases to consider; (b) assisting the Status of Stocks Group on Language, Terminology and Content Development to draft SOSI website text related to the IUCN Red List; (c) advise all groups working on SOSI, as necessary, to help avoid duplication of effort, the appearance of conflicting results and public confusion about whale statuses.
Abel, Allison, Andriolo, Braulik (Convenor), Cipriano, Cooke, Donovan, Fortuna, Givens, Minton, Panigada, Porter, Punt, Reeves, Sigurðsson, Staniland, Taylor, Trujillo, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat
Further develop the data management strategy, including consideration of all data submission processes and related IWC databases; consider ongoing maintenance, resourcing, capacity needs for SC-related databases; review the information received from the National Progress Report questionnaire and continue to assess ways to improve the submission rates, data quality and value of these reports.
Allison, Barreto, Bell, Branch, Charlton, Double, Fortuna, Katara, Ki Sow, Oloughlin, Reeves, Sigurðsson, Staniland (Convenor), Tandy, Wilkin, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat
Identify how to: (1) facilitate ATLAFCO participation in the SC; (2) build capacity and training for scientists and early-career researchers
Cerchio, Collins, Diallo, Freitas, Genov, Laamrich, Minton, Panigada, Plön, Porter, Ridoux, Staniland (Convenor), Tiedemann, Zerbini
To join this group please contact the Secretariat
Develop a workshop in Latin America to progress with agenda items related to the CMP for species that occur in Latin America.
Artur, Barros - Gmail (Convenor), Brownell, Cassani, Iñíguez Bessega - Gmail, Mallette, Ridoux, Sucunza, Trejos-Lasso, Zerbini
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Identify hotspots of cetacean exposure to plastic debris; prepare a synthesis of information related to the impacts of marine plastics on cetaceans; prepare a summary of approaches that the SC should consider in developing global and regional risk assessments related to cetacean exposure to plastic debris.
Campbell, Cholewiak, Dolman, Eisfeld-Pierantonio, Fossi, Frey, Frisch-Nwakanma, Genov, Gulland, Holm, Hunter, Kumar, Landry, Long, Malatji, Mallette, Mankeshwari, Marcondes, Mattila, Neave-Webb, Nelms, Nunny, Oloughlin, Panti, Perry, Porter, Rowles, Simmonds (Convenor), Staniland, Sutaria, Svoboda, Warrie, Webster, Williams
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Review a paper with guidelines for mark-recapture abundance estimation, including survey design, data processing and matching, analysis, diagnostics and interpretation, also noting issues associated with data over long timeframes or from very heterogeneous sources. Present the paper to SC70 so that it can be endorsed for including in the updates SC Handbook that will be uploaded to the IWC website.
Butterworth, Fewster, Kelly - hotmail, Kelly, Wade (Convenor)
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Planning for and distributing the questionnaire; analyse the results; preparing a proposal for a workshop at the 2025 ECS Conference.
Baldwin, C. Smith, Cooke, Cosentino, Currie, Forestell, Frey, Jimenez, Leaper, Miketa, Minton, New (Convenor), Noren, Parsons, Porter, Reyes, Robbins, Rose, Suydam, Urbán, Vermeulen, Webster, Weinrich
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Review existing stock structure hypotheses and identify additional analyses that may be used to assess plausibility of existing hypotheses and to inform mixing parameters.
Buss, Lang, Mizroch, Palsbøll, Pampoulie (Convenor), Porter, Tiedemann, Witting
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Initiate In-depth Assessment of North Atlantic humpback whales, incorporating the needs of IST
Biuw, Cholewiak, Donovan, Katara, Palka (Convenor), Punt, Robbins, Wilberg, Øien
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Continue to identify and evaluate data available for planned assessment.
Allen, Allison, Bolaños Jimenez, Cerchio, Cholewiak, Chosson, Clapham, Donovan, Han, Jones, K. Lee, Lang, M. Lee, Mallette, Mattila, Palka, Palsbøll, Park, Punt, Robbins (Convenor), Rosenbaum, Sigurðsson, Tiedemann, Vely, Weinberg, Weinrich, Wilberg, Witting, Øien
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Initiate the In-depth Assessment of North Atlantic humpback whales, incorporating the needs of IST, including preparing data and analyses, and holding a workshop.
Biuw, Cholewiak, Donovan (Co-Convenor), Katara, Palka (Convenor), Porter, Robbins, Wilberg, Øien
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Continue to identify and evaluate data on distribution, abundance, stock structure and catches, with a particular focus on the western North Atlantic.
Breiwick, Brownell, Cholewiak (Convenor), Mallette, Mizroch, Palka, Porter, Robbins, Sigurðsson, Weinrich
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Reconfirm the finalised North Pacific humpback whale Comprehensive Assessment; develop summary document; send code to Secretariat for validation.
Baker, Calambokidis, Cheeseman, Donovan, Katara, Katsumata, Kitakado, Matsuoka, Mizroch, Palacios, Palka (Convenor), Porter, Privitera-Johnson, Punt, Scordino, Steel, Urbán, Wade, Weinrich, Zerbini
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Finalise the North Pacific sei whale Comprehensive Assessment summary document.
Allison, Butterworth, Cooke, Herr, Katara, Kitakado, Mizroch, Palka (Convenor), Punt, Takahashi, Tiedemann
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Identify and evaluate data available for potential future assessment.
Butterworth, Cholewiak, Cooke, Han, K. Lee, M. Lee, Mesnick (Convenor), Mizroch, Palka, Park
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Review protocol for opportunistic sighting data collection.
Babey, Biuw, Burkhardt, Buss, Cheeseman, Dalla Rosa, Herr (Convenor), Hevia, Iñíguez Bessega - Gmail, Mizroch, Porter, Secchi, Torres Florez, Viquerat, Waluda, Weinrich
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Develop ways to expand reach to citizen scientists to ecourage photo contributors
Bell, Brownell, Buss, Collins, Double, Herr, Olson (Convenor), Weinrich, Weller
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Planning activities and work priorites for Pollution 2025
Barreto, Eisfeld-Pierantonio, Frey, Genov (Convenor), Holm, Plön, Porter, Rowles, Simmonds, Staniland, Uhart
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Continue with the review framework established at SC69B and progress with recommendation review.
Couto di Tullio, Frias, Hielscher, Hodgins, Jimenez, Lundquist, Porter - IWC email, Slooten, Trujillo (Convenor), Vrooman
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Discuss and provide recommendation on genomic approaches to maximise the utility of tissue samples, particularly those in danger of depletion.
Archer, Baker, Bickham, Buss, Carroll, Goto, Harmon, Hoelzel, Jackson, Lang (Convenor), Natoli, Palsbøll, Porter, Robertson, Sremba, Taguchi, Tiedemann, Torres Florez
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Provide ongoing advice and support to established Task Teams and consider any new proposals.
Donovan, Genov, Minton, Parsons, Porter - IWC email, Reeves, Rojas-Bracho, Simmonds (Convenor), Staniland, Thomas, Trujillo
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Continue to develop and implement the workplan for the assessment of the Small Cetaceans of the South Pacific Islands.
Albertson, Amepou, Baker, Beasley, Brannan, Carroll, Childerhouse, Cipriano, Constantine, Cook, Derville, Elliott, Freitas, Garrigue, Gilman, Heinemann, K. Baird, Katara, Kiszka, Kumoru, Lang, Mallette, Masere, Meyer, Oremus, Passadore, Poole, Porter (Convenor), R. Baird, Read, Soehnlen, Stockin, Tixier, Trujillo, Ward
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Develop and organise a second workshop on documenting data availability and identifying opportunities for collaboration.
Brannan, Carroll, Childerhouse, Cipriano, Constantine, Lang, McKechnie, Porter - IWC email (Convenor), Trujillo, Wichman
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!-- Intro section (56) Sotalia guianensis population structure -->
Review genetic and other evidence relating to population structure in Sotalia guianensis; provide advice on the proposed management unit declarations.
Archer, Baker, Briceño, Buss, Caballero, Cipriano, Cunha, Domit, Fruet, Hoelzel, Lang (Convenor), Lunardi, Natoli, Porter, Sousa-Lima, Tiedemann, Torres Florez, Zerbini
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Compile new SRW catch series and update regional catch estimates.
Aguilar, Allison, Azizeh, Bell, Brito, Carroll, Chatwin, Double, Findlay, Galetti, Katara, Mizroch, Morais, Porter, Romero, Ruiz-Sagalés, Seyboth, Smith, Vermeulen (Convenor), Vieira, Weinrich, Zerbini
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Finalise a global standardised southern right whale body condition and visual health assessment protocol for IWC endorsement.
Arias, Bell, Charlton (Convenor), Christiansen, Dawson, Findlay, Gregory, Hamilton, Hoerbst, Leslie, Minton, Moore, New, Olson, Porter, Rowles, Rowntree, Salgado-Kent, Sironi, Uhart, Vermeulen, Weir
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Assess what southern right whale call data exists offshore and at high latitudes (including IMOS and SOHN data) and consider appropriate analysis framework for using these data to assess southern right whale offshore distribution.
Andrews-Goff, Bell, Buchan, Burkhardt, Calderan, Carroll, Charlton, Findlay, Friedlaender, Galetti, Leaper, McCauley, Miller, Porter, Reyes, Salgado-Kent, Schall (Convenor), Shabangu, Sirovic, Vermeulen, Ward, Webster, Weinrich
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Progress towards the application of a common modelling framework on long- term sighting history datasets from southern right whale calving groups to assess common (1) population dynamic patters; and (2) environmental drivers.
Agrelo, Brandao, Butterworth, Carroll, Charlton (Convenor), Cooke, Dalla Rosa, Double, Groch, Leaper, Porter, Rayment, Ross-Gillespie, Rowntree, Seyboth, Sironi, Staniland, Vermeulen, Watson
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Facilitate conversation with other Committee subgroups to determine how best to integrate the spatial models into the SC’s work and how ASI can contribute
Biuw, Cholewiak, Donovan, Herr, Kelly, Kitakado (Convenor), Miller, Skaug, Walløe, Weller
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Draft SOSI web content. Recommend terminology, labels, graphics, statistics, summaries and similar aspects of the SOSI website. Draft text for assessment pages, ensuring consistent format and language, in consultation with species experts to be solicited by this group as necessary.
Butterworth, Cipriano (Convenor), DeMaster, Donovan, Givens, Katara, Lang, Minton, Porter, Staniland, Tandy, Wade, Wilson, Zerbini
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Determine specifications for model- based assessments for the SOSI Project. Such assessments are to be based on completed SC assessments, Implementation Reviews and past Committee projects. Run model-based assessments for the appropriate species. Summarise modelling results and provide them to the Status of Stocks Group on Language, Terminology and Content Development. Draft technical explanations of assessment specifications and results for provision to the same group.
Allison, Branch, Butterworth, Donovan, Givens, Katara, Palka, Porter, Punt, Wilberg (Convenor)
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Oversee the SOSI Project, ensuring consistency and communication among the related ICGs. Determine priority order in which species will be added to the website. Review draft material from other ICGs. Solicit review of draft content as needed for consistency, clarity and accessibility to the appropriate audience. Solicit SC approval of final material. Organise creation of draft website.
Cipriano, Fortuna, Givens (Convenor), Katara, New, Porter, Punt, Staniland, Tandy, Wilberg, Wilson, Zerbini
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Continue to compile information on the behaviour of the Strait of Gibraltar killer whale subpopulation and, if possible, organise a workshop comprising experts, including marine mammal behaviouralists, to determine best approaches to this escalating issue.
Barrett-Lennard, Bolaños Jimenez, C. Smith, Carvalho, Esteban (Convenor), Fernández Maldonado, Freitas, Garcia-Bellido, Genov, Guinet, Jimenez, Jourdain, Nunny, Pitman, Porter - IWC email, Rose, Samarra, Sequeira, Simmonds, Staniland, Tixier, Towers, Trujillo, Wilson
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(1) Oversee and provide strategic input to the implementation of the Strandings Initiative workplan on the basis of quarterly reports and advice requests by the Expert Panel and Secretariat; (2) Oversee allocation and expenditure of the Strandings Initiative budget; (3) Provide assistance in fundraising for the Strandings Initiative, including through helping to identify sources of funding and assisting with fundraising applications where appropriate; (4) Provide assistance to the Expert Panel and Secretariat, where appropriate, in facilitating emergency response assistant and training in IWC member and other countries; (5) Help to promote the Initiative, including among national and other international stakeholders.
Brownlow, Collier, DeMaster, Genov, Herr, Luna (Convenor), Neave-Webb, Porter, Seakamela, Simmonds, Webster, Willans, Zerbini
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Provide a summary of fin whale data. Data gaps and data need for a future in-depth assessment.
Biuw, Harris, Herr (Convenor), Miller, Mizroch, Porter
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Revisit the definitions previously put forward for stock-related terms at IWC 2014, particularly those related to large whale assessments, and revise them where necessary.
Baird, Bickham, Carroll, Cipriano, Hoelzel, Lang, Porter, Scordino, Tiedemann (Convenor)
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Continue communication with Timor- Leste on development of guidelines and regulations to facilitate communication between the Committee and the Government of Timor-Leste and the ATM-TL.
Bell (Co-Convenor), Edyvane, Höschle, Noren, Parsons, Porter (Convenor), Ritter, Rose, Suydam, Urbán
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[End section]
Monitor new publications related to this issue and update the Tursiops truncatus database.
Cipriano, Lang, Natoli (Convenor), Porter, Rosel
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Develop (1) a user-friendly guide to using Flukebook and Happywhale; and (2) an updated cross-reference document.
Cheeseman, Minton, Natoli, Olson (Convenor), Vermeulen
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Coordinate information, data and code among research groups conducting research using satellite images to monitor whales. This group aims to facilitate development of automated methods, avoid duplication of effort and negotiate better tasking opportunities with satellite providers.
Acebes, Andrews-Goff, Archer, Arias, Baldwin, Bamford, Barreto, Bejder, Bell, Biuw, Borowicz, Brownell, Burkhardt, Carlyle, Carroll, Castro Alonso, Charlton, Charry, Cheesman, Cholewiak, Clarke, Collins, Connor, Corrêa, Coscarella, Crespo, Cubaynes, Dalla Rosa, Davenport, Domit, Donovan, Double, Elwen, Erler, Fernandez, Fewster, Fretwell, Frias, Garcia Garin, Garita, Genov, Goetz, Green, Groch, Ham, Herr, Hines, Hodgins, Houegnigan, Houliston, Höschle, Ivanchikova, Jackson, Jenner, K. Baird, Kapoor, Katara, Kelly, Khan, Ki Sow, Kitakado, Kot, Kreb, Lang, Lauriano, Leaper, Lundquist, M. Ferguson, Mallette, McFarlane, Minton, Mizroch, Mustika, Natoli, Neave-Webb, Neveceralova, Notarbartolo di Sciara, Olavarria, Olson, Palacios, Palacios Alfaro, Palka, Panigada, Pisano, Plön, Porter, Ritter, Robbins, Rodofili, Rogan, Rojas-Bracho, Rowles, Sackett, Sahri, Schteinbarg, Schubert, Simmons, Sousa-Lima, Stack, Stewart, Stockin, Sucunza, Suydam, Tissier, Torres Florez, Tulloch, Urbán, Vazquez, Vermeulen, Walløe, Watt, Webster, Weinrich, Weller, Wilberg, Wilkin, Willson, Zerbini
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Further the preparations for the western North Pacific common minks whale In-depth Assessment, including organising intersessional meeting(s).
Allison, Baker, Butterworth, Donovan (Convenor), Herr, Hoelzel, Katara, Kitakado, Miyashita, Palka, Porter, Punt, Takahashi, Tiedemann, Wade, Wilberg, de Moor
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International Whaling Commission
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