Intersessional groups are established annually to ensure the Committee can successfully complete its full agenda at each SC meeting. These group work throughout the year and provide updates at annual SC meetings. There are three categories of intersessional groups:
The currently established correspondence groups, terms of reference and memberships can be found below.
Further the preparations for the North Pacific humpback whale Comprehensive Assessment, including organising virtual meetings and an in-person intersessional workshop.
Palka (Convenor), Baker, Calambokidis, Clapham, Cheeseman, Donovan, Herr, Katara, Katsumata, Kitakado, Ivashchenko, Matsuoka, Mizroch, Palacios, Privitera-Johnson, Punt, Steel, Zerbini, Urbán, Wade, Weinrich.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Further the preparations for the western North Pacific common minke whales In-depth Assessment, including organising an intersessional meeting.
Donovan (Convenor), Allison, Baker, Butterworth, de Moor, Hakamada, Herr, Hoelzel, Katara, J.H. Lee, Kitakado, Palka, Punt, Tiedemann, Wade, Wilberg.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Continue to identify and evaluate data on distribution, abundance, stock structure and catches, with a particular focus on the western North Atlantic.
Cholewiak (Convenor), Breiwick, Brownell, Mallette, Mizroch, Palka, Robbins, Sigurðsson, Weinrich.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Identify and evaluate data available for a potential future assessment.
Robbins (Convenor), Allen, Allison, Cerchio, Cholewiak, Chosson, Clapham, Donovan, Jones, Katara, Lang, Mallette, Mattila, Øien, Palka, Palsbøll, Punt, Rosenbaum, Sigurðsson, Tiedemann, Vély, Weinrich, Wilberg, Weinberg, Witting.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Advise on construction and analysis of southeast Pacific, southeast Indian Ocean and southwest Pacific mark recapture datasets, including timespan, regions to include, and modelling framework.
Jackson (Convenor), Barlow, Butterworth, Cooke, Double, Findlay, Fewster, Galletti, Gill, Herr, Jenner, Matsuoka, Möller, Olson, Salgado-Kent, Torres, Torres-Florez, Weinrich, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Low- and mid-latitude analysis of Antarctic blue whale song to establish any differences between wintering grounds.
Buchan (Convenor), Barlow, Branch, Brownell, Cerchio, Harris, McCauley, Miller, Samaran, Shabangu, Sirovic, Sousa-Lima, Stafford, Torres.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat .
Terms of Reference
Consideration of options for proposing alternative population structure hypotheses.
Lang (Convenor) Jackson, Herr, Olson, Branch, Sremba, Torres-Florez.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Finalize a global, standardized southern right whale body condition and visual health assessment protocol for IWC endorsement.
Vermeulen, Charlton (Co-convenors), Christiansen, Findlay, Leslie, Minton, Moore, Hörbst, Gregory, Kent.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Coordination of information, data, and code-sharing among research groups conducting active research using satellite images to monitor whales. This group aims to facilitate development of automated methods, avoid duplication of effort, and negotiate better tasking opportunities with satellite providers.
Clarke (co-Convenor), Cubaynes (co-Convenor), Acebes, Alfaro, Alonso, Amorim Corrêa, Andrews-Goff, Archer, Arias, Baird, K., Baldwin, Bamford, Barreto, Bejder, Bell, Biuw, Borowicz, Brownell, Burkhardt, Carlyle, Carroll, Charlton, Charry, Cholewiak, Collins, Coscarella, Crespo, Dalla Rosa, Davenport, Di Sciara, Domit, Double, Elwen, Erler, Ferguson, M., Ferguson, S., Fernández, Fewster, Fretwell, Frias, García-Garin, Garita, Goetz, Green, Groch, Ham, Hines, Hodgins, Hoeschle, Houegnigan, Houliston, Ivanchikova, Jackson, Jenner, Katara, Kapoor, Kelly, Khan, Kot, Kreb, Lauriano, Leaper, Lundquist, Mallette, Mcfarlane, Mizroch, Mustika, Natoli, Neveceralova, Olavarría, Olson, Palacios, D., Palka, Panigada, Pisano, Plön, Porter, Ritter, Robbins, Rodofili, Rogan, Rowles, Sahri, Schteinbarg, Schubert, Simmons, Sousa-Lima, Stack, Stewart, Stockin, Sucunza, Tissier, Torres-Florez, Tulloch, Urban, Vazquez, Vermeulen, Voss, Watt, Weinrich, Wilkin, Willson, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Assess what southern right whale call data exists offshore and at high latitudes (including IMOS and SOHN data), and consider appropriate analysis framework for using these data to assess southern right whale offshore distribution.
Vermeulen (Convenor), Burkhardt, Calderan, Carroll, Charlton, Findlay, Friedlander, Leaper, McCauley, Miller, Reyes Reyes, Schall, Shabangu, Širović, Ward, Webster.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Compile new SRW catch series and update regional catch estimates.
Findlay (Convenor), Jackson, Vermeulen, Allison, Andrews-Goff, Azizeh, Bell, Brownell, Carroll, Charlton, Chatwin, Double, Katara, Kemper, Paton, Reeves, Richards, Smith, Tryniw, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Review of the available historical and contemporary evidence for southern hemisphere stock structuring, develop stock structure hypotheses for review and ranking, based on available evidence; and identify data gaps where further work is required to discriminate hypotheses.
Jackson (Convenor) Agrelo, Azizeh, Baker, Carroll, Charlton, Evans, Findlay, Galletti-Vernazzani, Groch, Matsuoka, Richards, Rosenbaum, Sironi, Tiedemann, Torres-Florez, Valenzuela, Vermeulen, Weinrich, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Progress towards the application of a common modelling framework on long-term sighting history datasets from southern right whale calving grounds to assess common 1) population dynamics patterns; and 2) environmental drivers.
Charlton and Vermeulen (Co-convenors), Agrelo, Brandão, Butterworth, Carroll, Cooke, Double, Groch, Leaper, Rayment, Ross-Gillespie, Rowntree, Seyboth, Sironi, Staniland, Watson.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Conduct inter-regional comparisons of SH fin whale songs, similar to Sirovic et al. (2018) for blue whales.
Sirovic (Convenor), Miller, Samaran, Shabangu, Van Opzeeland, Aulich, Harris.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Review protocol for opportunistic sighting data collection.
Herr (Convenor), Babey, Biuw, Buss, Cheeseman, Dalla Rosa, Hevia, Iniguez, Secchi, Burkhardt, Viquerat, Waluda, Weinrich, Mizroch, Torres-Florez.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Provide summary of fin whale data, data gaps and data need for a future In-Depth assessment.
Herr (Convenor), Mizroch, Biuw, Harris, Miller.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Provide summary of humpback whale data, data gaps and data need for a further In-Depth assessment.
Butterworth (Co-convenor), Weinrich (Co-convenor), Torres-Florez, Vermeulen.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Planning for and distributing the questionnaire, analysing the results.
Suydam (Convenor), Baldwin, Cooke, Cosentino, Currie, Forestell, Frey, Jiménez-Assmus, Leaper, Minton, New, Noren, Parsons, Reyes, Robbins, Rose, C. Smith, Vermeulen, Weinrich, Urbán, Webster.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Continue to monitor the relevant literature on, e.g. solitary sociable cetaceans, out of habitat cetaceans; seek to produce a new review of information for the Committee across the whole range of interactions with humans; review appropriate terminology (e.g. ‘habituation’); and continue to consider the relevance of this topic to the work of the sub- committee, including how this topic might best be studied in future.
Simmonds (Convenor), Cosentino, Currie, Fonseca, Forestell, Miketa, Minton, Nunny, Parsons, Smith, C., Suydam, Vail, Wells, Weinrich, Urbán
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Continue communication Timor-Leste on development of guidelines and regulations, to facilitate communication between the Commitee and the Government of Timor- Leste and the ATM-TL.
Porter, New (Co-convenors), Edyvane, Höschle, Noren, Parsons, Rose, Suydam, Urbán
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Continue and enhance methods for disseminating information and advice between the SWG and WW.
Iñiguez (Convenor), Campbell, Parsons, Rojas-Bracho, Simmonds, Slooten, Suydam, Urbán.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
To clarify the terminology used to describe the gray whale stock structure hypotheses; re-evaluate plausibility of the hypotheses, including consideration of adding new variants if needed, to inform the Range-wide Review of the Status and Population Structure of gray whales.
Lang (Convenor), Bickham, Donovan, Hoelzel, Goto, Nakamura, Pampoulie, Punt, Scordino, Tiedemann, Weller.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Review genetic and other evidence relating to population structure in Sotalia guianensis; provide advice on the proposed management unit delineations.
Lang and Caballero (Co-Convenors), Archer, Baker, Briceño, Buss, Cipriano, Cunha, Domit, Fruet, Hoelzel, Lunardi, Natoli, Sousa-Lima, Tiedemann, Torres-Florez, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Review existing stock structure hypotheses and identify additional analyses that may be used to assess plausibility of existing hypotheses and to inform mixing parameters.
Pampoulie and Tiedemann (Co-convenors), Buss, Lang, Mizroch, Palsbøll, Witting.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Review recent revisions in sections of the DNA quality guidelines that pertain to data produced using NGS approaches. Identify approaches to increase the visibility and use of the guidelines.
Tiedemann (Convenor), Archer, Baird, Baker, Bickham, Carroll, DeWoody, Hoelzel, Goto, Jackson, Lang, Palsbøll, Pampoulie, Sremba, Taguchi, Torres Florez, Waples.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Generate a checklist of key aspects of the genetic data analysis guidelines and identify aspects of the guidelines that may need updating, particularly in the context of genomic methodologies and analysis. Identify approaches to increase the visibility and use of the guidelines.
Tiedemann (Convenor), Bickham, Buss, DeWoody, Hoelzel, Lang, Pampoulie.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Discuss and provide recommendation on genomic approaches to maximise the utility of tissue samples, particularly those in danger of depletion.
Lang (Convenor), Archer, Baker, Bickham, Buss, Carroll, Harmon, Hoelzel, Goto, Jackson, Natoli, Palsbøll, Robertson, Sremba, Taguchi, Tiedemann, Torres Florez.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Revisit the definitions that were previously put forward for stock-related terms at IWC 2014, particularly those related to large whale assessments, and revise them where necessary.
Tiedemann (Convenor), Baird, Bickham, Carroll, Cipriano, Hoelzel, Lang, Scordino.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Engage a group composed of Arabian Sea humpback whale experts, veterinarians/ cetacean health experts, and satellite tagging practitioners, to advise on best practices for a proposed renewed tagging effort, aimed at informing species distribution modelling and associated ship strike and bycatch risk assessment.
Willson (Convenor), Baldwin, Brownell, Cerchio, Collins, Gulland, Minton, Palacios, Robbins, Van Bressem, Weller, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Continue work.
Cholewiak (Convenor), Borsani, Burkhardt, Campbell, Cosentino, Frisch-Nwakanma, Genov, Kinneging, Leaper, Lundquist, Miller, B., Plön, Rosenbaum, Renell, Reyes, Simmonds, Širović, Sousa-Lima, Vrooman, Webster, Williams.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Continue work.
Stimmelmayr (Convenor), Brownlow, Cholewiak, Colegrove, Davison, Delaney, Fernandez, Groch, Gulland, Hernandez, Holm, Lee, Marcondes, Mazzariol, Noren. Rowles, Sierra, Simmonds, Tashima, Uhart.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Take into account the latest information on how cetacean populations are affected by climate change; (2) Provide clear advice on tools to mitigate the negative impact of climate change and build resilience; (3) Seek to develop an IWC climate change response programme.
Simmonds (Convenor), Barreto, Campbell, Frey, Frisch-Nwakanma, Genov, Gulland, Holm, Mallette, Marcondes, Noren, Nunny, Palka, Renell, Rowles, Simmons, Vrooman, Sousa-Lima, Staniland. Stimmelmayr, Tulloch, Webster, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
1) Identify “hotspots” of cetacean exposure to plastic debris; (2) Prepare a synthesis of information related to the impacts of marine plastics on cetaceans;
(3) Prepare a summary of approaches that the Scientific Committee should consider in developing global and regional risk assessments related to cetacean exposure to plastic debris.
Simmonds (Convenor), Campbell, Cholewiak, Dolman, Eisfeld-Pierantonio, Fossi, Frey, Frisch-Nwakanma, Genov, Gulland, Holm, Hunter, Kumar, Long, Malatji, Marcondes, Mallette, Mankeshwari, Mattila, Neave-Webb, Nelms, Nunny, O'Loughlin, Panti, Perry, Pierantonio, Porter, Rowles, Sutaria, Svoboda, Warrie, Webster
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
(1) Review the topic and report back to the next SC with a further assessment of the likely consequences of deep sea mining for cetaceans; (2) Seek to establish contact with others who are investigating this matter; (3) Encourage further submissions on this topic to the SC.
Rose (Convenor), Barreto, Childerhouse, Cholewiak, Lucke, Parsons, Porter, Rowles, Simmonds, Smith, C., Thaler, Thompson, Walloe, Williams, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Brownlow (Convenor), Fisher, Gulland, Holm, Lee, Mallette, Marcondes, Noren, Plön, Renell, Rowles, Sucunza, Simmonds, Stimmelmayr, Uhart.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Develop response protocol, develop recommendations for improved data sharing (SC2181).
Simmonds (Convenor), Babey, Baird, R., Brownlow, Cholewiak, Dolman, Fonseca, Hartny-Mills, Iniguez, Lomax, Plon, Stimmelmayr, Thompson, Trujillo, Vrooman, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
(1) to finalize the guidelines for single species distribution models (SDMs); (2) to develop guidelines for multi-species distribution models (MSDMs); (3) to continue to conduct a literature review of SDMs and MSDMs; and (4) to develop possible simulation platforms to evaluate SDMs and MSDMs.
Ferguson (Convenor), Palacios (Co-convenor), Kitakado (co-convenor), Biuw, El-Gabbas, Genov, Herr, Kelly, Miller, New, Palka, Solvang.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Prepare the 2nd Workshop under a Steering Group.
Kitakado (Co-convenor), Ritter (Co-convenor), Biuw, Butterworth, Donovan, Double, Ferguson, Freitas, Galletti, Lindstrom, Punt, Renell, Roman, Schubert (organizing convenor), Stainland, Zerbini, Webster, (more to come, TBD).
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Continue development of framework for SM work on Aquatic Wildmeat.
Porter (Convenor), Avila, Cassani, Ingram, Hodgins.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Provide ongoing advice and support to established Task Teams and consider any new proposals.
Simmonds (Convenor), Donovan, Genov, Minton, Parsons, Porter, Reeves, Rojas-Bracho, Staniland, Thomas, Trujillo.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Progress towards developing a South Asian River Dolphin CMP.
Porter (Convenor), Trujillo (Co- Convenor), Bell, C., Iñiguez, Khan.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Make progress on a review framework and propose a mechanism to establish regional and species assessment teams.
Trujillo (Convenor), Porter, Jimenez, Couto di Tullio, Vrooman, Hodgins, Hielscher.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Conduct proposed workshop; provide a plan for CMP development; continue work on LBD TT objectives.
Vermeulen (Co-convenor), Fruet (Co-convenor), Berninsone, Coscarella, Daura-Jorge, Laporta, Porter, Von Fersen.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Make progress on the analysis of direct take database of small cetaceans held by the IWC Secretariat.
Katara (Convenor), Allison, Fisher, Hines, Porter.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Monitor new publications related to this issue and update Tursiops taxonomy database developed by this ICG.
Natoli (Convenor), Almosawi, Archer, Barreto, Brownell, Cipriano, Costa, Hoelzel, Krutzen, Lang, Louis, Porter, Rosel.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Compile information on the behaviour of the Strait of Gibraltar killer whale subpopulation; if possible, organise a workshop comprising experts, including marine mammal behaviouralists, to decide how best to approach this escalating issue.
Esteban (Convenor) Carvalho, Cosentino, García, Guinet, Barrett-Lennard, Bellido, Genov, Jimenez, Jourdain, Nunny, Pitman, Porter, Rose, Samarra, Sequeira, Simmonds, Smith, C., Staniland, Tixier, Towers, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Seek funding for a workshop focused on establishing collaborations with local researchers and other stakeholders throughout the South Pacific Island area; develop a workplan for 2024-28.
Porter (Convenor), Amepou, Beasley, Baird, K., Baird, R., Baker, Brannan, Childerhouse, Constantine, Garrigue, Hancock-Hanser, Katara, Lang, Mallette, Martien, Miller, Oremas, Passadore, Poole, Read, Trujillo, Ward.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
(1) Further develop the data management strategy, including consideration of all data submission processes andrelated IWC databases; (2) Consider ongoing maintenance, resourcing, capacity needs for SC-related IWC databases in preparation for the budgeting process at SC69B.
(2) Consider ongoing maintenance, resourcing, capacity needs for SC-related IWC databases in preparation for the budgeting process at SC69B.
(3) Review the information received from the National Progress Report questionnaire and continue to assess ways to improve the submission rates, data quality and value of these reports.
Members: Staniland (Convenor), Allison, Bell, E., Branch, Barreto, Charlton, Double, Fortuna, Katara, Ki Sow, Reeves, S., O’Loughlin, Sigurðsson, Tandy, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Zerbini (Convenor), Bartmeier, Bjørge, Choi, Double, Fortuna, Iñiguez, Nelson, Palka, Porter, Staniland, Seakamela, Stachowitsch, Tandy.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
(1) Develop a process to enhance coordination among IUCN, the IWC SC, and other relevant parties involved in conservation actions for cetaceans
(2) Facilitate coordination between those responsible for managing IUCN Red List assessments for cetaceans and developers of the IWC Status of Stocks Initiative, including:
(a) Providing input to the Status of Stocks Steering Group regarding prioritisation of cases to consider.
(b) Assisting the Status of Stocks Group on Language, terminology, and content development in drafting website text for comparison of IUCN Red List and IWC Status of Stocks assessments.
(c) Advising all groups working on this project, as necessary, to help avoid duplication of effort, the appearance of conflicting results, and public confusion about whale statuses.
Members: Braulik, Porter (Co-convenors), Abel, Allison, Andriolo, Cipriano, Cooke, Donovan, Fortuna, Givens, Minton, Panigada, Punt, Reeves, Sigurðsson, Staniland, Taylor, Trujillo, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
1. Refine advice on data to be collected by observers and crew when whale entrapments occur including finalisation of data reporting form and data collection protocols;
2. In the longer term, provide advice for krill trawling operators to minimise whale entrapments (including development of technology to study how whales are interacting with krill trawling nets, move-on rules, etc), and on refining designs of the marine mammal exclusion device.
Leaper (Convener), Biuw, Double, Favero, Forster, Heinemann, Hines, Johnson, Kelly, Landry, Long, Mattila, Meyer, Parker, Passadore, Reeves, Soffker, Stimmelmayr, Walker, Weinrich.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Collaboration with Baltic range states and European Commission on technical issues associated with acoustic interference of military activities by pingers.
Carlen (Convenor), Bell, C., Berggren, Bjorge, Cosentino, Dolman, Leaper, Parsons, Plön, Ritter, Simmonds, Staniland.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Develop a list of potential methods for estimating/setting Rmax and an evaluation of the data requirements, strengths, and weaknesses of each approach.
Wilberg (Convenor), Butterworth, Cipriano, Cooke, Demaster, Donovan, Jackson, Lang, Mizroch, Punt, Slooten, Wade, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Adapt NOAA Small Cetacean Entanglement Response Best Practices for use in countries with fewer resources in terms of personnel and equipment/facilities.
Minton (Convenor), Aranha, Baird, Genov, Kolesnikovas, Marmontel, Mattila, Porter, Renell, Rojas-Bracho, Simmonds, Trujillo, Wells.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Coordinate the intersessional review of abundance estimates by the ASI SWG.
At a pre-meeting for SC69B, review abundance estimates, make recommendations to ASI, and consider progress on the Status of Stocks Initiative.
Establish a SOSI Glossary working group with the terms of reference to draft a glossary of terminology for display on the SOSI website, and submit this draft for SC69B
Givens (Convenor), New (Co-convenor), Bell, Brownell, Cholewiak, Donovan, Jackson, Katara, Kitakado, Palka, Porter, Staniland, Walløe, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Oversee the Status of Stocks Website project, ensuring consistency and communication among the related ICGs.
Determine priority order in which species will be added to the website.
Receive draft material from other ICGs. Solicit review of draft content as needed for consistency, clarity, and accessibility to the appropriate audience.
Solicit SC approval of final material Organize creation of draft website.
Members: Givens (Convenor), Staniland (Co-convenor), Braulik Cipriano, Fortuna, Katara, New, Porter, Punt, Tandy, Wilberg, Wilson, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Wilberg (Convenor), Allison, Branch, Butterworth, Donovan, Givens, Katara, Palka, Punt, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Draft Status of Stocks Website text for explanation of concepts such as population dynamics, carrying capacity, definition of stocks/population, and scientific uncertainty.
Finalize website text for comparison of IUCN Red List and IWC Status of Stocks assessments
Finalize choices for terminology, labels, nature of statements about recovery, and similar aspects of the draft website.
Draft text for summary pages, ensuring consistent format and language, in consultation with species experts to be solicited by this group as necessary
Cipriano (Convenor), Wilson (Co- convenor), Braulik, Butterworth, DeMaster, Donovan, Givens, Katara, Lang, Minton, Porter, Staniland, Tandy, Wade, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Draft a paper with guidelines for mark-recapture abundance estimation, including survey design, data processing and matching, analysis, diagnostics, and interpretation, also noting issues associated with data over long time frames or from very heterogeneous sources.
Present the paper to SC69B
Wade (Convenor), Butterworth, Fewster, Kelly.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Update the IWC webpage to reflect any changes in content, design, or inclusion criteria agreed at SC69A or prior Committee meetings.
Consider amended and expanded explanation of a ‘confidence interval’ on this webpage
Givens (Convenor), Allison, Donovan, Genov, Katara, New.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
To provide advice on the 2023-2024 IWC-POWER cruises (including holding a Technical Advisory Group Meeting and Planning Meetings), on data analyses, storage and on requests for data/sample use of IWC- POWER/SOWER cruises.
Matsuoka (Convenor), An, Bizikov, Brownell, Clapham, Crance, Donovan, Goetz, Gushcherov, Kato, Kelly, Katsumata, Kitakado, Lang, Staniland, Miyashita, Murase, Palka, Pastene, Wade, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Identify ways to (1) facilitate ATLAFCO participation in the SC; and (2) build capacity and training for scientists and early career researchers.
Staniland (Convenor), Cerchio, Collins, Diallo, Freitas, Laamrich, Minton, Panigada, Plon, Ridoux, Tiedemann, Genov. Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Convene to review scope and Terms of Reference Report progress to SC69B.
Katara (Convenor), Anderson, Braulik, Calderon, Cerchio, Collins, Dulau, Kelly, Kitakado, Minton, Nelson, New, Palka, Passadore, Seakamela, Sutaria, Tiwari, Willson, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Look into how the IWC can provide a Child Care Support Network at the SC.
Brownell, Atkinson, Bell, Cerchio, Charlton, Cholewiak, Iniguez, Jackson, Lang, Lent, Luna, Mallette, Porter, Svoboda, Stachowitsch, Trejos, Vermeulen.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Review progress on previous recommendations. Report progress.
Dolman (Convenor), Collier, Fisher, Hodgins, Hunter, Porter, Sigurdsson, Suydam, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
Terms of Reference
Sanctuary Review Steering Committee.
Parsons (Convenor), Rojas-Bracho (Co-Convenor), Bell, Double, Heinemann, Lauriano, Leaper, Porter, Slooten, Staniland, Zerbini.
To join this group please contact the Secretariat.
International Whaling Commission
Suite 2, First Floor, Victory House, Vision Park, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9ZR
+44 (0) 1223 233 971
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