Later in February, Tokyo will host an expert panel tasked with reviewing Japan's special permit proposal NEWREP-A (New Scientific Whale Research Programme in the Antarctic Ocean) which was circulated in November 2014.
Panel members are selected according the Scientific Committee Guidelines for Review of Scientific Permits (known as 'Annex P') in order to ensure balance and expertise relevant to the specific proposal. The report of this panel will be released to Scientific Committee members, and available on the IWC website at least forty days before this year's Scientific Committee meeting.
The report from the expert workshop will be published 40 days before the Scientific Committee meeting at which it will be considered. Accordingly, the report will be available here at 10.00Hrs UTC on Monday 13 April 2015.
The report will be discussed at the meeting and final Scientific Committee advice on the proposal will be developed. This advice will be put to the Commission at it's next meeting in 2016.
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