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This fund was established in 2016 to help overcome the financial constraints that can prevent some member governments participating fully in the IWC, for example, paying travel and subsistence costs.

IWC member governments are categorised into one of four groups according to their ‘capacity to pay.’ Group 4 countries have the greatest capacity to pay and Group 1, the least.  This fund enables governments in Groups 1 and 2 to seek full funding in order to attend specific IWC meetings and events.

Since establishment, the fund has received over £60,000 which to date has supported attendees at the Scientific Committee, Bureau and Commission meetings.

The 2018 Commission meeting also endorsed a paper considering how wider support might be provided to governments of limited means.  Increased translation of documents, mentoring and induction on the processes and structures of the different types of meeting, and feedback mechanisms are amongst the proposals that will be taken forward in the next intersessional period.

If you are interested in donating to the Voluntary Assistance Fund for Governments of Limited Means please refer to the  Guidelines on Acceptance of Funds and contact the IWC at secretariat@iwc.int.

If you are an IWC member government, interested in applying for funds to attend an IWC event please contact secretariat@iwc.int.

Click here to read more about the administration of the fund, the criteria for receiving funding, and application process.  Please note that consideration of all applications is dependent on the availability of voluntary funding. 

Click here to read the 2019 paper on Supporting Increased Participation of Government of Limited Means in IWC work.

Click here to read the Resolution establishing the Voluntary Assistance Fund for Governments of Limited Means in 2016.