We are pleased to announce that both the Southern Ocean Research Partnership (IWC-SORP) Research Fund and the Small Cetacean Voluntary Research Fund (SMRF) are requesting proposals for research projects.
This Call for Proposals is possible thanks to the generous voluntary donations from the Governments of Australia, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), Campaign Whale, Humane Society International, Dolphin Connection, Cetacean Society International, LegaSeas, Natural Resources Defence Council, OceanCare, Whaleman Foundation, Prowildlife and Abel Mosaics.
Project proposers are strongly encouraged to read the detailed guidelines for each Research Fund before submitting any proposal (Southern Ocean Research Partnership Fund and the Small Cetacean Research Fund )
Applications for both funds must be submitted via the online form here <https://forms.office.com/e/z7RkSfY9ke >
To assist in proposal preparation, an editable document is available here. Please note that applications for both funds must be submitted via the online form
If there are any technical issues or questions relating to the portal, these can be sent to projectproposals@iwc.int
If there are any questions relating to research proposal content or eligibility, you can submit these directly to the IWC-SORP Secretariat Elanor Bell elanor.bell@aad.gov.au or the IWC-SMRF Chair Lindsay Porter lindsay.jp@gmail.com
The closing date for applications is Friday 29 February 2024 (midnight UTC).
The earliest applicants may commence successful project is January 2025.