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Independent review of a 2008
mass stranding in Madagascar

In 2008, approximately 100 melon-headed whales stranded in the Loza Lagoon system in Madagascar.  The response effort was multi-faceted and included local people, government officials, conservation organisations and marine mammal experts.  A significant amount of information was collected and, several years later, the IWC facilitated a review of the circumstances of the stranding in conjunction with the US Marine Mammal Commission, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,  ExxonMobil Exploration and Production (Northern Madagascar) Ltd, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Government of Madagascar. An independent scientific review panel (ISRP) of five experts was invited to conduct a formal examination of the available facts. Links to the report, which became available on 25th September 2013 and the associated material considered by them can be found below. After publication of the report, the ISRP developed a statement in media accounts of its report.  This can be found here. 

Key References 

ISRP. Executive summary of the Panel’s Report (English)

ISRP. Executive summary of the Panel’s Report (French - revised June 2021)

ISRP. Full report of the Panel

Background Materials:
KETTEN, D.R. Report related to CT scans

DENNISON, S. Imaging reports related to post-mortems of ears

WCS & IFAW. Final Report

MELTON, H.R., et. al. Summary of information

MELTON, H.R., et. al. Summary of timeline

JASCO zip file - Acoustic Modeling

REEB, D., et. al zip file - Environmental Reports

MELTON, H.R., et. al. zip file - Industrial Activities

MELTON, H.R., et. al. zip file - Known Anthropogenic Sound

AD HOC COMMITTEE zip file - Meeting Notes

BROVEY, B, et.al. zip file (160Mb externally hosted) - Satellite Imaging

JASCOURT, S. zip file (40Mb externally hosted)- Weather Analysis