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Scientific Progress Reports have their origin in Article VIII, Paragraph 3 of the Convention. All member nations are urged by the Commission to provide Progress Reports to the Scientific Committee following the most recent guidelines developed by the Scientific Committee and adopted by the Commission.

The reports are intended as a concise summary of the cetacean research undertaken in member countries as well as a summary of information on direct and incidental anthropogenic mortality. It is thus intended as a metadatabase with links to where the detailed information resides rather than a repository of the data themselves.

Reports since 2013

An online submission and reporting system has been developed since 2013 that places the information in an online database that can be interrogated by all. Data can only be submitted by country representatives who are informed directly on how to use this facility for submissions.

Historical Reports from 1998

National Progress Reports are available for the following years: 1998 to 2012- for data protection reasons, these are not available for public view. If you would like access to these, please contact secretariat@iwc.int

Earlier reports

National progress reports are available from the mid-1970s. Please contact the Secretariat for further information on these.