Whale watch operators, scientists, and government officials from over 20 countries will be gathering in Brisbane in May. On the agenda is a 5 year Strategic Plan for Whale Watching and the development of a web-based ‘Living’ Handbook. Whale watching is a fast-growing sector with economic benefits for a diverse range of coastal communities.
However, unless well-managed it has the potential to have a negative impact on whales and their habitat. The IWC 5 year plan aims to develop and convey best practice, and the Living Handbook will become an evolving repository for all aspects of advice including training, governance, capacity building and compliance.
The aim of the Brisbane meeting is get valuable input directly from the industry on implementation of the 5 year Strategic Plan to help ensure that whales can be watched responsibly now and by future generations.
International Whaling Commission
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+44 (0) 1223 233 971
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