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Media accreditation for IWC Commission meetings

Open now: registration for IWC69 in Lima, Peru, September 2024 

The plenary session of the biennial IWC meeting takes place from 23-27 September at the Los Defines Hotel, Lima.
The IWC welcomes media interest.  An accreditation process is in operation for media wishing to attend Commission plenary meetings.   

Please apply for media accreditation ahead of the meeting and as early as possible

Accreditation is for the duration of one meeting although every effort will be made to streamline the re-accreditation process for those attending more than one meeting.

Please do not register as a meeting attendee until you have received confirmation of your accreditation as a member of the media.  If you have not obtained media accreditation for an IWC Commission meeting, we will not be able to accept your registration.

To obtain accreditation you will need to provide:

  • A letter of assignment, on the official letterhead of a media organisation, signed by the Publisher, Editor or Bureau Chief, and containing that person’s contact information.  This letter should specify the name and functional title of the journalist.
  • A photocopy of a valid press card or equivalent form of professional ID.
These should be e-mailed to kate.wilson@iwc.int

On receipt of this paperwork and if further verification is required by the Secretariat, we may request documentation demonstrating a track record of reporting on cetaceans, cetacean science, conservation or related issues.

  • Print media submit a recent issue of the publication they represent containing a by-lined article in their own name.
  • Photographers submit original tear sheets or photos with their credit.
  • Radio and TV media submit a recording of a recently broadcast report.
  • Freelance journalists and photographers, and independent film production companies provide a letter of assignment signed by the appropriate commissioning editor.
  • Online media demonstrate that their website belongs to a recognised news organisation, with a verifiable postal address, at least 60% original news content, updated at least weekly.

Accreditations will be processed as quickly as possible.  Once your accreditation has been confirmed you will be able to register for the meeting.
Useful information for participants is available here.

If you have not obtained accreditation or registered for the meeting before arriving at the venue, your entry will be delayed and we may be forced to refuse accreditation if paperwork is incomplete or further enquiries are necessary and cannot be undertaken quickly.

Please note:

Media accreditation will not be accorded to the information outlets of non-governmental organisations, newsletters, internal publications, federations or associations.

Double accreditation will not be possible (e.g. media + NGO).

Accreditation is on condition of adherence to the Media Guidelines.

The IWC Secretariat reserves the right to withdraw accreditation in the event that the Media Guidelines are considered to have been breached.

The decision of the IWC Executive Secretary is final.