Principal Investigator: Laura J May-Collado
Funding year: 2022
Main objectives:
- Build a network of collaborators representing all sectors of governance, NGOs, community leaders, research groups in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.
- Assess the frequency and characteristics of Guiana dolphin interaction with fisheries, particularly coastal gillnets using an interview-based approach. We will also collect interview data on the past and present occurrence of Guiana dolphins in Cayos Miskitos (Nicaragua) and Gandoca-Changuinola (Costa Rica/Panama), and on how dolphins are perceived by local fishermen and other stakeholders.
- Assess the occurrence, distribution and relative abundance of Guiana dolphins in Cayos Miskitos and Gandoca-Changuinola, where small-boat surveys will help documenting the current status of Guiana dolphins at these two potentially important locations for this species. Comparisons will be made with previous studies to determine if there has been a decline (e.g., sighting rate) and habitat use.
Main outcomes:
To follow.
To follow.