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The 2014 workshop on the Rangewide Review of the Population Structure and Status of North Pacific Gray Whales synthesized the available information on stock structure using inter alia genetics data, individual identification data and telemetry data. The workshop developed an inclusive set of hypotheses of which some were ultimately rejected while others were assigned low priority for inclusion in any modelling framework. The workshop identified three hypotheses which should be included at an early stage in the modeling framework and identified various data sources which could be used to estimate the parameters of the model.

This work is an integral part of the process set in place by the Committee last year. It is of particular importance to:

(1) the assessment of the status of gray whales in the North Pacific (BRG);

(2) the management of subsistence whaling in the North Pacific in conjunction with the work of the AWMP SWG

(3) the evaluation of threats to gray whales in the North Pacific and the determination of future management advice (BRG);

(4) the provision of advice in accord with the Commission’s Arctic Workshop (E).

(5) the western gray whale Conservation Management Plan endorsed by the Commission;


This will be a technical workshop that will review the results of the intersessional modelling work for gray whales across the North Pacific. It will inter alia review trial structure, conditioning and initial model results from age-aggregated and age-structured models and work towards incorporating any new data obtained as part of the workplan.

Accommodation & Travel

Full location details:

Southwest Fisheries Science Center

8901 La Jolla Shores Drive

La Jolla, CA 92037-1023 USA

Phone: (858) 546-7000

Fax: (858) 546-7003


Hotel La Jolla (https://www.kimptonhotels.com/hotels/hotels-lajolla.aspx) is the recommended hotel for participants.

Hotel La Jolla

7955 La Jolla Shores Drive

La Jolla, CA 92037 USA

The hotel is near to the workshop location (15 min walk or free shuttle) and within minutes of restaurants and shops. Fifteen rooms are presently being held for 31 March - 04 April at a discounted government rate ($142.00 USD + tax) but reservations must be made on or before 18 March 2015.

Reservations can be made either by:

phone: 1+619 515 3038 – request the room block for the International Whaling Commission; or

online: IWC Workshop

The hotel contact Person is Ms. Ruth Maldonado (Ruth.Maldonado@kimptonhotels.com) Tel: 1+858-551-3611


In addition to registering for the workshop, Non-US Citizens must complete a foreign nationals form (see Circular) and return it to Dave Weller (dave.weller@noaa.gov) by 15 March 2015.