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Successful conclusion to two bycatch workshops in Colombia

In July 2024, the IWC's Bycatch Mitigation Initiative hosted two training workshops on the Bycatch Risk Assessments (ByRA) toolbox in Colombia. 

ByRA is a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based toolkit which allows assessment and visualisation of bycatch risk using any amount or type of data available. This enables identification of critical areas for further research and/or immediate management actions to mitigate bycatch. The IWC has supported ByRA capacity building workshops in several countries and the latest training in Colombia covered both river dolphins and marine species.

The first Colombia workshop focused on the South American river dolphin which is the subject of an IWC Conservation Management Plan. The multinational event included participants from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, who gathered at the Omacha Foundation's Research Station in the beautiful town of Puerto Nariño.

In addition to learning how to use the ByRA toolbox, the group exchanged experiences on available bycatch data and the challenges of its analysis in river environments. Participants were also privileged to watch the pink river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) and the Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) swimming in the Amazonian waters around the village.

The second workshop was held in Bogota and focused on how to use the ByRA toolbox and apply it to marine cetaceans interacting with a variety of Colombian fisheries. This workshop was organized in collaboration with the Directorate of Coastal Marine Affairs and Aquatic Resources (DAMCRA) of the Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente).  The event was attended by a total of 26 researchers and managers from non-governmental organisations and environmental agencies across Colombia. (Dirección de Parques Nacionales Naturales, INVEMAR, DIMAR, AUNAP, CORPOURABÁ, CORPOGUAJIRA, CARDIQUE, CORPOURABÁ, CORALINA, CODECHOCÓ, CVC, CRA, Universidad Nacional, WWF, Fundación Pesca Limpia, Fundación Malpelo  y Otros Ecosistemas Marinos, Fundación Marviva, GIZ, Madreagua, Fundación Macuáticos, R&E Ocean Community Conservation Foundation, Caribbean-Wide Orca Project).

Both workshops were delivered by IWC Bycatch Expert Panel member, Dr Ellen Hines, who co-created the Bycatch Risk Assessment (ByRA) toolkit, and her assistant Fernanda Barilari.  The workshop was organised by the IWC Bycatch Co-ordinator who also provided assistance for Spanish and Portuguese-speaking participants. Funding for both events was generously provided by the US Government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


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